Kings Boat

  • Delivery time 45 min

    Menu Kings Boat Chinese Dublin

    Our restaurant type at Kings Boat Chinese is definitely Chinese takeaway, whether you are planning to visit or would prefer to order from home we invite you to try out our signature dishes. The Spice Box is a fun and unique way to try various dishes all at once, the meal includes salt and chilli chicken alongside chips, curry sauce and can, and is a good way to try out a new food in a variety of flavors. Our curry dishes are also some of our client's favorites, beef and chicken are the main options but you can also go for the Curry Combo Tray, which comes with rice, chips and chicken balls all accompanied with our best curry. If you want to try something with a few less spices the salted chicken and chips is the way to go, providing a meal that proves that flavor is more than seasoning and will make you want to come back for on virtue of it's quality.

    About Kings Boat Chinese Dublin

    Here at Kings Boat Chinese we like to believe that we provide more than just a way to get fast food to go, don’t mistake, we have the best service available to you, and our schedule is designed to get you your favorite Chinese dishes to your house before you notice it. But besides that we also strive to build a sense of community, we truly believe and understand the value of loyal customers, food is a huge part of our daily lives, and of our culture as well, and we want our customers to truly know the quality of our food, to feel welcomed both online and in store, and for them to truly become fans of our food, just as we are of them.

    Restaurant location Kings Boat Chinese Dublin

    We are located in the Tallaght area of South Dublin, specifically we are located in 1A Main St Tallaght Dublin 24, which as the name implies puts us right in the middle of main street, overall this means we are in an important business location and not only is it easy to find us, but there's also other amenities that make the trip worthwhile. However, don’t forget that we still are a takeaway restaurant, and if you ever find yourself short on time to come visit both delivery and pick-up are available online through our site and official app, Kings Boat Chinese, available both on Google Play and Apple's App Store. Order soon and enjoy the best of china right at your home.

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